
professional experience

11/2021 – todayHead of Enginering
Zalando SE

Member of the Partner Tech (300+ people) Executive Management. Heading the Partner Portal & Tech Foundation department (5+ teams), Zalando’s foundation for a unified partner experience . Developing and steering vision and stragegy for Zalando’s Partner platform environment.

Building high-performance teams in a department wide cross-deloepment setup. Mentoring and developing engineering leaders. Driving gender diversity on engineering (achievment of 50/50 f/m split in some teams).

Core member of a senior leadership team that merged and re-orgainzed three organisations into a 300+ people tech org.Member of the Partner Tech Executive Management.

Skills: Change Management · Organizational Leadership · Senior Engineering Leadership · Community Management · People Development
09/2018 10/2021Engineering Manager
Zalando SE

Leading Zalando’s Retail Platform and supplier portal (Retail Center). Developing and driving the future Zalando’s Supplier-facing portal, providing the foundation for connecting business partners and internal operations to improve Zalando’s purchase-to-pay processes and make retailing business easy and efficient.

Building high performing teams including health-, performance-, cost-tracking. Building and leading several (cross-)department communities (e.g. frontend community, engineering mamager community). Improving the departments tech-landscape by reducing the languges zoo, into a JVM/Kotlin-based environment to enable fast cross-team collaboration.

Skills: process optimization · Community Management · Engineering leader · People Management · Cross-functional Team Leadership
09/2015 – 8/2018Engineering Manger/Delivery Lead (Team Lead)
Immobilien Scout GmbH

Leading 4 Engineering teams. Responsible Engineering Manager for four engineering teams for the domains Real Estate, Geo Services, B2B APIs and Fraud detection. Responsible (technical) Product Owner for three of these domains (Real Estate, Geo Services, B2B APIs). Organization of cross-functional support for other market- and platform segments including project coordination. Provide strategic visions for the teams in accordance to the company strategy. External contact point for driving and developing the real estate standard OpenImmo 2 and GIF.
10/2014 – 03/2016IT Project Manager
Immobilien Scout GmbH

Technical responsibility for customer data migration of the real-estate agent software “MaklerManager” to “FlowFact Direct hAPPy”. Coordination of project internal development and quality assurance. Monitoring, steering and quality assurance of external development teams. Controlling of the projects business goal (~1.2m€ revenue impact per anno). Support of external customer care and sales teams and in developing marketing and sales strategies. Direct report to ImmoScout’s senior management (Vice President Evalutions).
02/2013 – 08/2015Senior IT Developer
Immobilien Scout GmbH

Mainly responsible for technical planning and implementation of new features and enhancements of the real-estate agent software „MaklerManager“. Maintenance and operation of the software including emergency support.

Optimization of agile workflows inside the team. Technical consulting and support of the product management. Planning and implementation of manual and automatic test cases and test strategies.

technologies: Java, Eclipse, Servlet/JSP, REST, SOAP, Axis, JAX-WS, Tomcat, Jetty, Hudson/Jenkins, Ant, Maven, Jboss ESB
07/2012 – 01/2013Software Engineer
Data Experts GmbH
technologies: Java, Eclipse, OSGI/Equinox, RCP, SWT/JFace, EMF, JET, XText, XMI, Servlet/JSP, REST, SOAP, Axis, JAX-WS, Tomcat, Jetty, Hudson/Jenkins, Ant, C#
09/2009 – 06/2012research assistant
Charité Berlin

Technical lead for the development of a Java/RCP-based virtual microscopy platform and a plattform-independent processing- and parallelization environment for virtual slidesDevelopment of domain-specific languages for digital pathologySetup and design of test environments for functional, non-funtional and UI-tests. Installation and maintenance of the build-environment and responsible for releasesModeling of domain-specific modelsDevelopment of generators for Java and C# source code

technologies: Java, Eclipse, OSGI/Equinox, RCP, SWT/JFace, EMF, JET, XText, XMI, Servlet/JSP, REST, SOAP, Axis, JAX-WS, Tomcat, Jetty, Hudson/Jenkins, Ant, C#
10/2009 – 09/2014Contract Teacher – Applied Computer Sciences
HTW Berlin – School for Applied Sciences Berlin
09/2009 – 09/20016Eclipse Committer (CDO/NET4J)
Eclipse Foundation
Committer for CDO/Net4jSub-component lead and author of DawnCollaborative modeling
2006 – todayFreelancer
Freelancer in the field of Java-Development, Eclipse technologies, Modeling, CDO, Dawn
02/2008 – 06/2009working student
Tieto (formally known as TietoEnator)
Creation of test scenarios for module-, system- and regression testExecution of test in the domain charging with focus on high availability, charge correlation und user interfacesExecution of load- and performance testsError analysis und -deletion of software problemsInstallation of test environmentstechnologies: C/C++, vi, nedit, UNIX/LINUX, Rational ClearCase, Shell-Scripting, FTP
01/2007 – 12/2007working student
Nokia Siemens Networks
Software Integration Test NodeB. Responsible for the design and development of a test tracking application based on Apache Tomcat, Struts, Hibernate and MySQLMirgration of old database to the new systemDevelopment of serveral applications and tools to support the NodeB integration testResponsible enhancing the test automation and integration of web service interfaces for the test bedtechnologies: Eclipse, Java, Swing, XML, MySQL, MSAccess, Hibernate, Apache Struts 1.3, PHP, Web-Services, Apache AXIS, Apache Tomcat, JFreeChart
10/2004 – 12/2006working student
Siemens AG
Software Integration Test Node BResponsible for implementing software for automating integration tests with RNC-Simulators (Radio Network Controller)Integration into an existing java-based test framework (Pegasus) using a TCP bridgeCreation and execution of non funtion test (load- and long term tests) for verifying the funtionality of the NodeB stationResponsible for design and inplmenentation of a PHP/MS Access based management software for test casestechnologies: Eclipse, Java, PHP, MSAccess, HTML, JavaScript
09/2003 – 09/2004Telelogic DOORS Customizing and Support
Siemens AG
Development of complex graphical user interfaces for IBM DOORS (formally known as Telelogic DOORS) using DXL (DOORS eXtension Language)Customization and development of DOORS scripts for test- and project management supportExport of reports from DOORS database to Microsoft Word/Excel using OLE-interface.Management of the DOORS database and customer supporttechnologies: Telelogic DOORS, DOORS Extension Language (DXL), Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel


10/2004 – 07/2009Study of apllied computer sciences (Dipl.-Inf. (FH))
FHTW Berlin 
(since 04/2009 HTW Berlin)specialised in “Multimedia” and “Facility Management”degree: 1,1; excellent (with distinction)
08/2001 – 08/2003apprenticeship (IT Specialist for Systemintegration)
Siemens AG
08/2000 – 08/2001apprenticeship (IT Specialist for Systemintegration)AEG Signum

distinctions and certificates

2010Honored as “Best Graduate” in Applied Computer Science in 2009/2010 at University of Applied Sciences Berlin, 2010
2003Distinction for exceptional results in final exam as IT Specialist from SPE (Siemens Professional Educations) , 2003
2003Distinction for exceptional results in final exam as IT Specialist from IHK (Industrie und Handelskammer), 2003
2003First Certificate in English (ESOL Examinations)