Some Sundays are different from others
Sunday 10 January 2010 at 7:41 pm And this sad one is one of them.This morning I got the message that my grandfather died last night. So, another candle in the candelabra of my family burned out. But I believe that he will live on - through us, his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Many of his characteristics can also be found in us as well. I, as his only grandson, for example got a bit of his enormous creativity which permanently created new ideas and projects. When I was young I also learned a lot from him while we were doing some woodworks together - that was one of his greatest hobbies.
And I am proud of all the characteristics I got from him because they are big part of what makes my own personality.
His body is gone, but I strongly believe that he is still among us - as all the others who left over the last years.
Well, some Sundays are different from others. This is one of them ...